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News: Apply for Hosting the 2028 International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE) as Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

News: Apply for Hosting the 2028 International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE) as Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

News: Apply for Hosting the 2028 International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE) as Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE)

Launched in 1994, the International Symposia on Ecohydraulics aims to provide a platform for scientists and engineers worldwide to discuss cutting-edge scientific progress, compare and evaluate state-of-the-art technical methods, and recommend them to the end-users. A complete list of past ISE conferences is provided on the IAHR website.

Aspiring future Local Organizing Committees (LOCs), please keep an eye on the IAHR news stream. Calls for Letters of Intent from aspiring LOCs to host the ISE are typically announced 5-7 months before the next ISE takes place.

ISE2028: Call for Letters of Intent to Host ISE 2028

Call for Letters of Intent from Aspiring Local Organizing Committees to Host the International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2028: The IAHR Ecohydraulics Technical Committee leadership team invites letters of intent from the global community to serve as the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for the 2028 International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE). Aspiring LOCs should establish their team and collaborate to produce a Letter of Intent including a brief statement outlining the proposal concept for the scientific program and the location. The ISE typically runs from Sunday to Friday, with workshops and meetings on Sunday, sessions from Monday through Friday, and field trips on Wednesday.

Letters of intent will be reviewed by the leadership team based on three criteria: (1) preference for proposals from continents that have not hosted an ISE in recent years, (2) quality of the scientific concept for the symposium, and (3) likelihood of successful organization and contribution to advancing the goals of the ecohydraulics community.

Please send your Letter of Intent to Professor Michele Mossa (TC Chair) at and Professor Daniele Tonina (TC Vice Chair) at They will confirm your application via email. Letters are due by 30 November 2024 (11:59 pm European Central Time). Questions about the LOC selection process and preparation of your letter should be emailed to the chair and vice chair directly.

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