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Software Guide

Software Guide

This page provides lists of software & methods that are relevant for ecohydraulics. The first list contains frameworks (aka decision support systems) that guide overall decision-making efforts. They tend to use software modules but may or may not have an outer software container to drive the whole decision-making process. The second list identifies software that directly performs ecohydraulic analysis. The third list identifies relevant numerical models that can be used to provide the inputs needed for the software in the other lists. The fourth list provides an overview of popular pre and post-processing software for numerical models. Software names are listed in alphabetic order, and the interactive tables enable re-ordering. Feedback, updates, and new software for any of these lists are welcome (email or social media, or whatever).

Decision Support Systems

Decision support systems enable augmenting objectivity, facilitate the creation of HSCs or eFlow schedules – and many more.

DRIFTA modular decision support system for assessing potential flow management schemeshttps://www.drift-eflows.comProprietaryWindows
FIThydro DSSFish-friendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower (EU Project)https://www.dss.fithydro.wb.bgu.tum.deOpen access-
IDRAIMA methodological framework for Hymo Analysis and integrated river management
IFIMA modular decision support system for assessing potential flow management schemes, see also SEFAhttps://apps.dtic.milOpen accessAny (method)

Ecohydraulic Analysis

Generate HSCs, calculate HSIs, and many more useful tasks can be accomplished with the following software.

BORISBehavioral Observation Research Interactive Softwarehttps://www.boris.unito.itOpen sourceX-platform
CASiMiRAn advanced simulation system for the study of aquatic habitats.http://www.casimir-software.deProprietaryWindows
Eco EvidenceLiterature review tool access
EFDC+Modeling package for hydrodynamics, sediment transport, chemical fate & transport, and eutrophication.https://www.eemodelingsystem.comProprietaryWindows
eWater ToolkitWater and catchment management utility tools access (part.)
FB4Fish Bioenergetics 4.0http://fishbioenergetics.orgFree (None)X-platform (R)
FishXingAquatic Organism Passage Stream Simulation Design Guidehttps://www.fs.usda.govOpen accessWindows
HABBYHABitat suitaBilitY sourceX-platform (Python)
HEC-EFMEcosystem Functions Model accessWindows
MesoHABSIMMesohabitat Simulation Model for instream habitathttps://mesohabsim.orgNot spec.
PHABSIMSimulate relationships between streamflow and physical habitathttps://www.usgs.govOpen accessWindows
RHYHABSIMIntegrated framwork for multiple analysis, including IFIM
River AnalystSurvey data analysis and visualization and https://riveranalyst.ecohydraulics.orgOpen sourceX-platform (Python)
River ArchitectHabitat analysis and designhttps://riverarchitect.github.ioOpen source (BSD 3-Clause)X-platform (Python)
SEFAComputer Software System for Environmental Flow Analysis Based on the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (discontinued maintenance?)Stale?

Numerical models

Researchers and practitioners use a wide range of methods to predict fluvial hydrodynamics and increasingly also morphodynamics. In the 21st century 2d modeling has become the norm in light of the wide and rapidly growing availability of meter-resolution topo-bathymetric datasets and an abundance of ecological and geoscientific mechanisms that are inherently two-dimensional and thus can use 2d model outputs. Additionally, tutorials for numerical modeling, pre-processing, in-depth software guidance, and Python programming for workflow automation can be found at

BASEMENT1d, 2d, hydro & morphodynamicshttps://basement.ethz.chOpen accessWindows, Linux
Delft3D1d, 2d, 3d, hydro & morphodynamics, environmental conditions source (part.)Multiple
HEC-RAS1d, 2d, hydro & morphodynamics accessWindows
HYDRO_AS-2D/FS2d, hydro & morphodynamicshttps://www.hydrotec.deProprietaryWindows
iRIC1d, 2d, hydro & morphodynamicshttps://i-ric.orgOpen sourceWindows
MIKE+1d, 2d, hydro & morphodynamicshttps://www.mikepoweredbydhi.comProprietary
OpenFOAM2d, 3d (CFD)https://www.openfoam.comOpen sourceLinux (Windows with WSL)
River2D2d hydrodynamichttps://www.river2d.caOpen accessWindows
SERGHEISimulation EnviRonment for Geomorphology, Hydrodynamics and Ecohydrology in Integrated form (SERGHEI) - a multi-dimensional, multi-domain, and multi-physics model framework for environmental and landscape simulation, intended to simulate water flow and transport across landscape scales.https://helmholtz.softwareOpen sourceLinux
SRH-2D2d hydrodynamicLink staleOpen accessWindows
SSIIM3d hydro & morphodynamics accessWindows, Linux
STAR-CCM+ CFD3dhttps://plm.sw.siemens.comProprietary
TELEMAC1d, 2d, 3d, hydro & morphodynamics, environmental conditionshttps://opentelemac.orgOpen sourceWindows, Linux
TUFLOW2d hydrodynamic, strong GPU accelerationhttps://www.tuflow.comProprietaryWindows

Pre- and Post-Processors

The generation of numerical meshes and (geospatial) analysis of numerical models and ecohydraulic assessments is facilitated by the following software for pre-processing and post-processing.

QGISAlmost almighty GIS platform with plugins for most open-source and open-access softwarehttps://www.qgis.orgFree (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license CC BY-SA)Multiple
SALOME3d meshinghttps://www.salome-platform.orgOpen accessWindows, Linux
SMSSurface-water Modeling System, compatible with SRH, RiverFlow2D, TUFLOW, HydroAS, and othershttps://www.aquaveo.comProprietaryWindows