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Elections time

Elections time

It is spring 2020 in the northern hemisphere and we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a time when the whole world can come together with the virtues of compassion and sacrifice to help each other. The spirit of that good will should extend to the scientific community, so we can help each other maintain good connections and communications to help with our resolve to continue our important work, even as we are closer with our families and local communities.

After a one-year hiatus from website development, I am back now working on it again during the pandemic. Not only is it a good activity I can do to support our community, but it is also a critical step in the building of our community. In association with growing the website, I have also recently released 12 more Ecohydraulicist interviews on the Ecohydraulics YouTube channel. For those of you who cannot access YouTube, I have also provided the videos to IAHR staff, and they have promised to post the videos n other platforms that are available in place where YouTube is unavailable. When I know where those places are, I’ll let you know via this blog.

Despite the cancellation of ISE2020, we can forge on with important work as a community. The first step in that process is to have our biennial elections to the Leadership Team. In support of that, I have significantly expanded the “About” part of this website. Specifically, I have now created the “What is Ecohydraulics” page, an IAHR technical committee governance page, and an elections page. These pages provide a lot more information about how we can share an understanding of what we are doing and how we can work together to do it. Please take a look at those pages when you have time.

Ok, that’s all I want to write for now.

Stay safe, stay healthy.


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